Monday, July 6
Do you know the number one enemy of the hunting dog? Snakes! A hunting dog will catch the scent of a snake and track it to
its hiding place, only to be bitten and die. But it is possible to snake-proof a good hunting dog, and this is how it's done: Put the
dog in an electric collar-one that can deliver a low-voltage shock. De-fang a rattlesnake and place it in a bush up-wind from
the dog. Allow the dog to catch the snake's scent on the wind, and hear its rattle. At the moment the dog presses his nose into
the bush and the de-fanged snake strikes, deliver a small shock to the dog. Repeat this a few times, until the dog passes up
the snake in favor of other, more comfortable prey.
What does this have to do with you and me? We've all been bitten
by the original "snake" whose name is Satan. We have a sin nature from birth. But through the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, God has de-fanged the snake. When we place our faith in Christ, the snake's venom is no longer fatal-and when we
situate ourselves against the prevailing winds of culture, we can easily hear him, smell him, and pinpoint his location. Even so,
Christians are still bitten by the snake. How? We turn our backs-not our faces-to the wind and move with it, dulling our
senses to sin and allowing the snake to surprise us when it strikes.
The question for us is, do we want to be
snake-proof? Do we want to escape the bite of sin and avoid its unpleasant shock? The answer may seem obvious, but unless
there is a readiness in us to be free from sin's bite, we will stumble upon the same old snake over and over again.
Memory Verse
JOHN 5:6
Do you wish to get well?
Read Through The Bible
2 Chronicles 12; Jeremiah 7-8