Wednesday, September 30

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If Satan cannot win an outright victory, he will attempt a compromise. As the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh was drawing to a close, Moses was offered two final compromises. "Go," Pharaoh said, "and worship your God. But leave your women and children here with us." Moses refused. "Then take them, too," Pharaoh countered, "but leave your livestock." Again Moses refused. "Not a hoof will be left behind," he told Pharaoh. Deliverance was to be complete; not partial. Moses refused to compromise.

When he left Egypt to worship God in the wilderness, Moses took every Israelite, man, woman and child, and every goat, cow and sheep that belonged to Israel. He wanted to worship God with every hoof he had! The only way you and I can truly worship God is with everything we have. Every possession. Every blessing. Every dream. Everything. Moses refused to offer God partial obedience and compromised worship. What would our lives be like if we did the same?

Are you giving everything you have to God? Or are you only offering partial devotion, partial obedience, partial worship? What has your devotion to God cost you? David refused to furnish God's temple with gifts that had cost him nothing. Moses refused to worship God with anything less than all he had. David knew, and Moses knew, that God asks for everything. C. S. Lewis said, "In love, He claims all. There is no bargaining with Him." Are you succumbing to Satan's temptation to love God with less than every hoof you have?

Memory Verse

You shall fear only the Lord your God; and you shall worship Him, and swear by His name.

Read Through The Bible

2 Corinthians 7; Psalm 63-64