Saturday, September 19

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God doesn't just have name recognition...He has name respect. David penned these words of praise following his victory in God's name over the Philistine giant Goliath. No doubt God's name was majestic in Israel on that day...but what about today? Is the Lord's name excellent over all the earth? A half billion Buddhists would say no. A quarter billion Hindus would say no. Millions of atheists and agnostics would say no. But there are also millions who would say "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth." And the day will come when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to God's great glory!

"How could God's name be majestic today," some might ask, "if there are no more giants to kill?" Is it possible for God to be glorified in our day and age through the lives of ordinary believers like you and me? It is! In fact, our ordinary-ness is His natural avenue for glory. "When we are weak," the apostle Paul said, "He is strong."

This has been God's way throughout history. Moses-the baby in the bullrushes-eventually overthrew Pharaoh and his kingdom. God Himself became a baby in Bethlehem and turned our world "right side up" with His coming. It is almost as if the limitations of His people are a perfect background to display His brilliance. Have you ever bought a diamond? If you have, the jeweler probably showed it to you on a piece of dark velvet. The dark, dull velvet sets off the facets of a diamond beautifully. Can God's majesty and glory shine in our dark world? Yes it can...and does...and will.

Memory Verse

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth.

Read Through The Bible

1 Corinthians 1-3