Monday, September 14

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What medicine and technology can do for the human heart is nothing short of amazing. I know. I've experienced it first hand, through a nifty little procedure called angioplasty. Angioplasty opens a blocked vessel using a "balloon" catheter to press the blockage against the vessel wall, allowing blood to flow more freely. In my case, it took just a few minutes to alleviate the problem caused by fifty years of southern fried chicken, hot dogs, biscuits and gravy and pecan pie. But I didn't get any new hardware. The doctors just fixed up what I had before.

Sin has done more damage-permanent, irreparable damage- to our hearts than fat, cholesterol or a lack of exercise ever could. The heart that is sick with sin cannot be fixed must be replaced. We need a new heart, not a better old one. No amount of patching, bypassing or medicating can help us. Only a new heart will do.

David prayed to God to create in him a clean, new heart. The Hebrew word he used for create was "bara," and it means to make something out of nothing! When you and I see the damage sin has done to our hearts, we begin to understand that, apart from God's amazing grace, we are beyond repair. We need a new heart, and the kind of new start, that only the blood of Jesus Christ can provide.

Memory Verse

PSALM 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, o God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Read Through The Bible

Mark 14; Job 29-30