Sunday, September 6

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Do you know how to worship? I don't mean do you know how to kneel, sing two or three songs, give an offering, jot down a few sermon notes and shake hands at the door on the way out-I mean, do you really know how to worship the Living God? In Psalms 103, David calls himself to worship, and in so doing, he shows us how to worship God with all that we are.

First, worship is personal. Although we may be in a crowd of other folks, God does not see us as one big mass of people, but as individuals. "Bless the Lord, O my soul," David writes. We are to adore or "bless" God individually, so there is a private aspect to our public worship. Our "soul," or the sum total of our entire personality, is to be involved. Also, we are to worship him internally, with all that is within us. That means my conscience, my will, my purpose, my emotions, my spirit, my energy...all that is within me is to worship God. My inward presence, not my outward posture, is the key. Finally, we are to worship God intelligently, remembering His benefits-that is, all that He has done for us. True worship engages not just our emotions, but our mind.

All of the strings of our lives are being tuned by God. He didn't just tune us when we were born and let us go through life becoming more and more off-key. He continuously tunes the lives of His children, touching one string, then another, and bringing it back to perfect pitch. The last time you were sick, could God have been plucking a string to slow you down and re-focus your attention on Him? What about that promotion you received at work? Was God touching another string to see how you handle success? In all the in's and out's of life, God the Father is running His loving hands over the strings of your life and my life, getting us in tune with Him-and worship is the tuning fork that establishes the pitch: "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name."

Memory Verse

PSALM 103:1
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Read Through The Bible

Mark 6; Job 11-14