Sunday, August 30

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It costs a lot to be a parent. A lot of sleepless nights. A lot of prayer. A lot of time and energy, and even a lot of money. Every once in a while you'll see a dollar amount of what it costs to rear a child from birth to age 18. The last such figure I saw was astronomical, but it didn't cover the half of it! Parents spend and are spent on their children, and they do it out of love.

I read a story a while back that illustrates this. One morning a young boy placed a bill on the breakfast table next to his mother. He listed everything he felt his mother owed him for "services rendered." It read, "Cutting the grass: $10. Raking the leaves: $5. Cleaning out the garage: $3. Drying the dishes: $2. Total amount owed: $20." His mother didn't say anything, but when this little guy got home from school there was a note on his bed that read: "Ironing clothes: $4. Washing clothes: $4. Folding clothes: $2. Cooking meals: $5. Driving carpool: $5. Baking cookies: $5. Feeding your dog: $2. Helping with homework: $3. Total amount owed: nothing."

Love doesn't charge, does it? Jesus loved you and me, and He was willing to spend and be spent to save us. Those who have nurtured us physically and spiritually have counted it a privilege to do so. Paul told his converts at Corinth that he was more than willing to spend and be spent for their souls. When it comes to the kingdom, no one's keeping score.

Memory Verse

And I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls. If I love you the more, am I to be loved the less?

Read Through The Bible

Ecclesiastes 4-8