Monday, July 27

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Satan is a fisherman. Did you know that? He baits a hook for you or me, and uses a lure that is certain to attract us. He's a good fisherman, too. He's been at it for a long time, fishing for the hearts and lives of men since Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. He knows the areas in which we are vulnerable, and he is crafty enough to hide the hook from us until it is too late.

I don't know much about fishing, but my oldest son does. He's a good bass fisherman, and he studies fish. He knows their tendencies, their habitat, their favorite lures. But even so, some fish still elude him. Have you ever wondered how a bass gets to weigh six, seven, or eight pounds? They've studied the fisherman like he's studied them. They know his best tricks, and they are not quick to pounce on a lure. They suspect the hook-and they're usually right.

Once we take Satan's bait and the hook is set, we're caught. The trick to evading the fisherman is to steer clear of the lures. We can be sure he knows just how to tempt us, but we also have within us the power to overcome temptation if we will only use it. Jesus Christ gives us strength to resist the devil...and when we do, he will flee.

Memory Verse

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Read Through The Bible

2 Chronicles 33; Lamentations 3-5