Tuesday, July 14
We are beginning a new millennium. Can you believe it? I remember as a boy wondering if I might live to see the turn of the
century. The post-war fifties seemed to speed by, and then the turbulent sixties...but it was the 1970's that ushered in the
beginning of a revolution in America. Was it economic? No. Political? No. Educational? No. It was a moral revolution where
authority of every kind was questioned, undermined, and ultimately disregarded. And chaos has been the result.
of you may have read a book called The Lord of the Flies. It depicts an island of "lost boys," some good and some bad, who set
up their own form of rule. Any time they had a problem or dispute, they consulted a conch shell for wisdom. If they listened
hard enough, the shell would tell them what was right. But one day in a fight the shell was shattered, and the boys' source of
authority was destroyed. Suddenly, anarchy set in. Might made right. There were no longer good boys and bad boys. Every
boy on the island became a savage.
The conch shell is broken. There is a cry today in families, churches, and the
marketplace for moral authority. The Bible is a source to which we can look and say with confidence, "This is right," or "This is
wrong." You and I need authority in our lives. And as we enter the twenty-first century, we need it more than ever. I believe the
Bible-the Word of God-is that authority we need. It's precepts give us a place to stand, and a foundation for right living that is
unshakeable and true.
Memory Verse
II Timothy 3:16
All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
Read Through The Bible
2 Chronicles 20; Jeremiah 25-26