Sunday, July 12
There is an old song that asks the musical question, "Have I stayed too long at the fair?" The idea is that life is losing its luster,
perhaps because we've overstayed our welcome, or expected things it failed to deliver. It is the song of someone older who is
looking back at his youth with disappointment. "I wanted to live in a carnival city with laughter and love everywhere. I wanted my
friends to be charming and witty, I wanted someone to care. I found my blue ribbons all shiny and new, but now I've discovered
them no longer blue. The merry-go-round is beginning to taunt me-have I stayed too long at the fair? There's nothing to win
and no one to want me...have I stayed too long at the fair?"
If we buy into this world's system of priorities, eventually
everything we've chased will disappoint us. Unless we're living for God in Christ, we will reach old age and say, "It's all
meaningless. I've stayed too long at the fair." This happened to Solomon, or "Solo-Man" as I've called him. At the end of his life,
he cut to the chase and said, "I've had it all-and none of it amounted to much." He pursued love, riches, knowledge, religion
and power. He attained a measure of success in all of them, but none satisfied.
Far too many of us could say with
Solomon, "I've stayed too long at the fair." Maybe you've bought into the world's system, and all you have to show for your
efforts today are depression, despondency, broken relationships and broken dreams. But for the man or woman who has spent
a lifetime pursuing Jesus Christ, every day is sweeter than the day before. My friend Jane Elder, who pursued Him for 90 years,
never sang "I've stayed too long at the fair." Jane's favorite song was "The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows." What
about you? Which song would you rather sing in the twilight of life?
Memory Verse
Ecclesiastes 12:13
The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments.
Read Through The Bible
2 Chronicles 18; Jeremiah 19-22