Thursday, July 2
We have instant-everything. Instant coffee. Instant tea. Instant grits. Instant oatmeal. But there is no such thing as an instant
Mom or an instant Dad. Parenting takes time. A while back, a pithy little book called The One Minute Manager made it on to the
bestseller lists. I liked The One Minute Manager. It's principles helped me organize things, and move my work day along at a
faster clip. But then the author of The One Minute Manager made so much money on his book that he began to churn out
sequels, like The One Minute Father and The One Minute Mother. The only problem is-the idea that you or I can be a "one
minute" parent is a myth!
To be an effective, godly parent takes time. We don't need more super-efficient "super
moms" and "super dads," we need more servant moms and servant dads. We need lovers and listeners who model
consistently over time what they desire their children to become. When our sons became teenagers, they did not necessarily do
what I told them to do-they began to do what I did! I saw them act impatiently, and realized they had seen me act impatiently
over time. I saw them get silent when things did not go their way, and realized they had watched me do the same! Before long,
every parent begins to see in their children not the values or lessons they tried to teach in a minute-but the behavior they
modeled over a lifetime!
We are told that Jesus grew up well. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God
and men. He grew up to be like His Father. His time with God the Father shaped His life. He grew wiser. Stronger. He learned
to communicate, to trust and to obey. One thing is certain: our children will bear a strong resemblance to us. Our job is to
make certain it is a healthy one, and that will take time, time and more time.
Memory Verse
LUKE 2:52
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Read Through The Bible
2 Chronicles 8; Malachi 3-4