Monday, June 29

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How wise is it to tell a young person to follow his or her heart? I think it is very wise! I would say to children and young people, live it up! Enjoy life! I worry about adults who say to the young, "I wish you would grow up; I wish you would be more mature." Why? Youth is the perfect time of life to have fun, to explore, to laugh, to be carefree. If this kind of thinking bothers you, let me suggest you spend the day with a child. If you don't have one, borrow one, and do your best to see life through their eyes. They are sharp, creative, perceptive, uncomplicated. They'll make you think by asking questions you've never even thought of! We're only children for a little while, so why rush the inevitable maturing process? Let the young enjoy being young. Not irresponsible, not disrespectful-but young.

Someone has said that childhood is for fun and middle age is for work and old age is for God. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Although we do gain certain responsibilities as we age, we should never lose our passion for life; our sense of wonder at God's world. There can be joy in maturity, just as there can be a hunger for God in childhood.

Why not throw out a few self-imposed "should's" and "don'ts" today and follow your heart? Surprise your child with a cookie-cutter shaped sandwich, or your mate with a passionate kiss. Skip the nightly news and watch the sunset instead. Jim Elliot said, "Be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." Don't quit living before it' s time to die.

Memory Verse

Rejoice...during your childhood... and follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes.

Read Through The Bible

2 Chronicles 5: Zechariah 11-12