Friday, June 19
A seasoned news commentator took a much-needed vacation to a working ranch in a western state. He learned to ride, rope,
mend fences and herd cattle. During his stay, a ranch hand's horse was injured, and turned out to pasture to heal. Wild horses
entered the pasture one night, and the stallion ran away with them. The newsman asked to tag along the next day when the
hand went to try to catch his horse-and it was an experience he said he'd never forget.
They found the horse running
with the wild herd, and the ranch hand wasted no time trying to woo him back. He got close enough for the horse to hear him,
and began to whistle softly and call his name. When he did this, the wild horses bolted and headed for a canyon, leaving the
young stallion torn between two desires. He would trot toward the canyon, then move back toward the young man. He was
caught in a crosspull: he wanted to follow his master, but the lure of the wild herd was strong. Neither man could tell which way
the horse would go until he finally lowered his head and began walking toward his master.
"As I watched this drama,"
the newsman said, "I realized I was like this stallion. I hear the voices of the world, and I sometimes long to run with them, but
the voice of my Master, Jesus Christ, never fades away." What he had witnessed strengthened his resolve to resist the pull of
the world. "I prayed that day that I would never lose my sensitivity to that still, small voice of God." How about you? Have you
felt the crosspull? Whose voice will you follow?
Memory Verse
JOHN 10:27
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
Read Through The Bible
1 Chronicles 23; Isaiah 60-61