Sunday, May 24

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There's just something about the name of Jesus. When the disciples healed in the name of Jesus, it was not their faith in healing that restored health; it was their faith in the name of Jesus. They simply claimed the promise Jesus had made to them: "Whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (John 14:13)

Have you had the experience of asking in someone else's name for what you could not receive on your name alone? It's a humbling thing to say, "Mr. So-and-So suggested I call you," or "Ms. What's-Her-Name said you would have those tickets for me." You ask and receive, not because you are worthy, but because you are asking in a name that is more powerful than your own.

The name of Jesus has amazing impact. You can go on television and talk about Christ, and no one gets upset. You can run ads that talk about the Messiah or the Lord, and never raise an eyebrow. You can say Redeemer, Savior, Master, Teacher or Friend, but call the name of Jesus, and watch what happens. By naming His name you are drawing a clear line, because there is no other name on earth by which men may be saved. There is power in His name.

Memory Verse

Philippians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth...

Read Through The Bible

Isaiah 23-27