Saturday, January 24

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Some years ago I ate dinner with a well known author. If I gave his name, many would know it. You've likely read and enjoyed his books, as have I. I anticipated an evening of stirring conversation and great dialogue, but I was disappointed. In fact, I have seldom been so bored. All this very intelligent, successful man did for two hours was talk about himself. On and on and on, story after story. Finally, he took a breath, and I thought we might be getting a break. Then he said, "Enough about me. What do you think of my latest book?"

Whether we admit it or not, we're all guilty to some degree of self-promotion and ego-inflating. But Jesus' teaching showed that these practices are worthless. "If you want to be great," he said, "learn to be a servant to others." Then He modeled that lesson Himself by serving those closest to Him in the simplest, most ordinary ways. The proud will be humbled in due time. But the reverse is also true. The humble, the quiet workers, the loving servants, will one day be exalted.

How about you? Are you grabbing the spotlight all the time, or are you content to work quietly in the wings while others shine? Servanthood is the secret of true greatness.

Memory Verse

...but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.

Read Through The Bible

Leviticus 23-24; Hebrews 10