Tuesday, January 20

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Evangelism is not a program or the application of a method; it is a lifestyle. Some are naturally gifted at sharing their faith and others are not, but every Christian is called to testify to the good news that Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost.

A Canadian brigadier general was appointed Governor of the African Gold Coast following World War I. He was known as a wise, stalwart ruler and an inspiration to his subjects. A friend of the Governor once noticed a saying on his mirror that puzzled him. It said, "For God, For King, For Country." His friend said, "Sir, you see this every morning when you stand before your mirror. What does it mean to you?"

The Governor answered, "For God doesn't mean that much to me, but For King means a bit more. And For Country-well, that means everything to me." His friend answered, "I can see that king and country are important in your life, but Governor, you've never sought to know God." Touched by his friend's forthrightness, the Governor said, "How does one get to know God?" The man replied, "You get to know God by learning about His Son, Jesus Christ." Then he told him how to invite the Lord into his life.

There is no reason for us to be intimidated by worldly power. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we speak of Christ, and we must seize the moment when opportunities arise.

Memory Verse

I PETER 3:18
Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you...

Read Through The Bible

Leviticus 15-16; Hebrews 6