Thursday, January 15

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Theoretically at least, there are two ways to get to heaven. You might call them Plan "A" and Plan "B." The first way to get to heaven, Plan "A", is to live a life without error. A sin-free life. Never a wrong action, a wrong thought, a wrong desire. No errors. Not only does Plan "A" require you to live a life without error, it requires perfect righteousness. Every thought righteous. Every action righteous. Every word spoken pleasing to God. Every motive pure. In other words, Plan "A" requires that you bat a thousand...for life. If you live a life like that, when you die, God will say "You've done it! I'm admitting you to the Super Universal Eternal Colossal Heavenly Hall of Fame! You have made it in through Plan "A."" Theoretically you could get into heaven like that. But only theoretically.

Theologically, Plan "A" is impossible because we're all born in sin. Billy Graham is a sinner. Mother Teresa was a sinner. Even the apostle Paul was a sinner. None of them are Plan "A" candidates. Maybe someone would want to hedge: "Now wait a minute pastor. I may not be a saint, but I'm no Ted Bundy or Unibomber. Are you saying God will not "grandfather" me in under Plan "A" because I've done my very best?" That's exactly what I'm saying! If you don't believe me, believe Paul: "There is none righteous, not even one." Plan "A" is simply unworkable. No one has ever gotten right with God and made it to heaven on Plan "A." Are you ready now for Plan "B?"

Memory Verse

There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, there is none who seek for God...

Read Through The Bible

Leviticus 3-4; Hebrews 1